There is nothing like relieving stress issues with a friendly game of Dungeons and Dragons with some friends and handful of exotic dices.
It started out as a level 5 Human Warlock on the 3.5 edition of DnD later transitioned to a DM on the 4th edition and I got to say that the switch is gratifying. The new edition of DnD has simplified a lot of the rules in the original version thus making the game play friendlier for beginners like me and veterans to jump right in.
It was on July 14th, 2008 that the DnD Game Day commenced in Taiwan at my local tabletop game store where all my gaming nerds conjure their thoughts and skills of on the table. By the time I arrived, my usual click of friends have already started an adventure thus leaving me to observe just what in the world was going on as for I was a virgin to the realm of DnD. Through observation and reading the Core Rule Books, the games started to perk my interest and the lost sense of curiosity started to boil in my veins once again.
Fortunately, one of my friends with the alias of "Ribon" was already a veteran DM and was kind enough to let me jump into one of his main campaigns that involved 6 players in total. Just by playing for the first hour, I was already browsing through amazon.com for my own set of DnD Core Rule Books 4th Edition. Of course like many games I played, I would always have that guilt after playing game due to the fact of this little voice in the back of my head constantly whispering, "you should spend time on your art work." Usually a long sigh follows, but with DnD it was a different story. What justified that guilt was the fact that I get to create my own story and use maps that I drew from photoshop into a DnD session. Both gratifying and productive for mind of an artist, but most of all it is just fun.
I'm hoping that my return to San Francisco isn't going to create a stagnant on my DnD career as I plan to recruit some players to join in my own campaigns. Yet consciously knowing the fact that as classes start to pick up at the Academy Art University, time will become an essence for my art rather than gaming pleasures.
Craig out
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